Delivering the right care

At Kidney Hospital & Lifeline Medical Institutions, we fully support the nationwide effort to ensure that patients coming into the hospital with specific conditions receive recommended care. These recommendations are based on years of research on interventions that have been proven to improve outcomes for these conditions.

Keeping patients safe

Over the past decade, patient safety has become a topic of national concern and during this period, the health care institutions have learned about improving patient safety from scientific study and from studying other industries, such as the aviation industry. At Kidney Hospital & Lifeline Medical Institutions our physicians, nurses, and administrators alike have been at the forefront of efforts to identify and address the various threats to safety in a hospital setting. All staff and employees at our hospital are now, more than ever, focused on making our patients’ hospital experiences free from harm.

Listening to patients

At Kidney Hospital & Lifeline Medical Institutions, we understand that technical excellence at delivering care is only part of the larger picture. Patients and family members expect and deserve an equally high level of compassion, communication, respect, and comfort.

Improving the patient experience is integral to our hospital’s commitment to being patient-centered. To measure patient experience and identify improvement opportunities, we get the patient or the attendant to fill up a “Feedback” form prior to the discharge of the patient from our hospital. This form calls for responses on aspects of their hospital care, including communication with doctors & nurses, responsiveness of hospital staff, pain management, hospital environment, communication about medications, and discharge information.

Communication with doctors and nurses, responsiveness of hospital staff, and hospital environment are some of our current areas of focus. We identified these areas for targeted improvement by listening closely to our patients, relying on survey results and patient feedback. We are constantly working hard to justify the confidence our patients have placed in us.

Providing Equitable Care

At Kidney Hospital & Lifeline Medical Institutions, we are committed to making sure that all patients, regardless of race, ethnicity, language spoken or financial status receive proper medical care.

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